Dmitriy Aleshkin

Born in 1980. Higher education. Expert in survival under extreme conditions acknowledged by the state-recognized degree. Has the PADI Divemaster Certificate, Technical Diver.

Full member of the Russian Geographical Society. Co-Chairman of the Cross-Cultural Commission of the RGS.

Fluent in English and Spanish.

Excellent naturalist and zoologist

Was in charge of organizing and leading backpacking tours in Karelia, the Ural mountains, in southern and eastern Siberia, the Caucasus and other regions of our country as well as in Eastern Europe. Spent a year and a half in the Center and South Americas creating trekking routes over the Andes, in Patagonia, in Amazonian jungle and through the Mosquito Coast.

Traveled through the countries in the Near East, the Caucasus, Europe, Central Asia, across the continent of Australia. Many times participated in archeological expeditions. Studied the impact of high-temperature conditions on human organisms in the Sahara Desert in Morocco.

Has a wide experience in studying wild animals and plants in various regions of the Earth, organized many extreme tours and trekking hikes.

Main specialization: survival under extreme wildlife conditions.